Process Runner

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Process Runner is java based library using which one can execute system process or scripts [shell scripts, batch file, python scripts, ruby scripts etc] from inside your java program.

Show me the code

// Create configuration
Configuration configuration = new ConfigBuilder("bash", "./")
    .setMasterLogFile(new File("~/masterlog.json"), Boolean.TRUE, Charset.defaultCharset())
    .setParamList(Arrays.asList("param2", "param3"))
  // Method 1 - start the runner at later point of time in sync and async manner.
  Runner runner = RunnerFactory.getRunner(configuration);
  Output output =;
  output = runner.runAsync().get();
  // Method 2 - Start instantly synchronously and async only.
  Output output = RunnerFactory.startProcess(configuration);
  output = RunnerFactory.startAsyncProcess(configuration).get();

Processrunner details

ProcessRunner library can run any system process from java and have the following features :-

  1. Only the interpreter and and the command to run in ConfigurationBuilder are mandatory. For optional fields please read forward.
  2. Master log file: Master log file can be set with file marked for auto delete and charset.
  3. Log Streaming: The project uses Slf4j api. It will try to stream the logs in realtime via Slf4j.
  4. Set a param: Set a parameter for the command. This method can be used multiple times.
  5. Set param from a list of String: Set a parameter for the command from a List of String
  6. The process itself can run in seperate or the same thread.
  7. The logs are handled in a seperate threads and is written to disk immediately. [ iff masterlog file is configured ]
  8. From Output object the log can be saved as : SYSOUT only, SYSERR only or Both SYSOUT and SYSERR. [ iff masterlog file is configured ]
  9. From Output pattern of text can be searched which might return a true/false or a list of matching record. [ iff masterlog file is configured ]